Monday, November 5, 2012

More Fun at Ferrymead on PhotoPeach
Ferrymead on PhotoPeach

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ashley School Showcase

Wow - what a night!!!!!!!!The costumes looked great and the children throughout the school did a fantastic job. I was so proud of Room 4 and 5 for getting up on stage and dancing through the decades so well. There were so many nervous children backstage but when it came to showtime they got our there and strutted their stuff. Thank you so much to all of you for your help with costumes and makeup - the show wouldn't have been possible without your support.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Red Nose Day

Wow - what a fantastic effort the school council and Miss Mutch put in to making this day a success. Thank you also to all the parents who supported this day by buying noses, wristbands or cupcakes. The children have been very excited to be part of this day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


On Fridays we are having tennis le
ssons. Unfortunately, on Friday, the weather wasn't great and so we had our lesson in the hall. Our coach is called Ian and he is from Canterbury Tennis.

Following the Olympics

In Room 4 we have been following the Olympics. We have learnt that the Olympics happen every four years and that you have to be the "best of the best" to get to the Olympics. We have been keeping track of how many medals New Zealand has with our medal wall. Today we are cross that the news people are saying that Valerie "lost the gold" and "only got a silver medal" because we think that she did a fantastic job. We think that getting a silver medal is a big achievement.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Equivalent Fractions

Today in class we have been looking at equivalent fractions. This is a very hard concept to understand and so we used pieces of pizza to show things like 1/2 is the same as 2/4 and 1/3 is the same as 2/6.