Saturday, November 26, 2011

Maths Shelf Time on PhotoPeach

Happy Birthday Grace

It was Grace's 8th birthday on Athletics day. She had had a great start tot he day - opening some presents, and then she added to it by doing well at Athletics.

Junior School Athletics

What a fantastic day we had! It was such a beautiful hot day and the children all tried their hardest to compete. I got to see the children compete at hurdles, sprints and ball throw and there was some fierce, but fair competition.

Well done to everyone who competed and thank you to everyone who came along to support the children.

Thank you also to Millie for these great shots.

Natalie's Art

We have another budding artist in our midst. Natalie also goes to art lessons after school. She brought in her beautiful painting to share with us. What a talent!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Play Practice Written By Emily

Here is a photo of these guys practicing their play to show to the class. I think they are doing a good play. It's from a School Journal. There is also some photos here from when they did the play. It was awesome. Great job guys. Also other kids are doing plays for the class. Awesome.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wow!!! Check this out!!!

Today Charlotte brought in her amazing painting of a bunny. She attends art classes after school and this is one of the many masterpieces she has created.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Birthday TIm!

On Friday it was Tim's birthday. He turned eight. He said that he was having a great day. We all hope that he had lots of fun at his party on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Information Report About Dogs Written and Published by Georgia


Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Dogs come in different breeds. Dogs have four legs and a waggy
tail.They come in different colours. Police dogs help find bad people. Fire dogs help get people out of situations. Sheep dogs help round up the sheep to count them. Some dogs help blind people to walk. Show dogs do tricks in shows for people to see. Dogs kill wild rabbits from eating their vegetables. Pet dogs are play full dogs.They play fetch.Dogs talk by going woof.Wild dogs
could kill pet dogs.They eat dog biscuits and treats when they do tricks. Some dogs are jumpy and
some puppies are cute and some dogs are cute to play with at the dog park and at home.I don't
like dogs because I got knocked over by a big dog.
By Georgia.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Information Report Written and Published by Neve

All About Dogs
Dogs come in different shapes and sizes. Some dogs are black, brown, white and spotty.
Some dogs have 4 legs. Dogs have long tails or short bobby tails. Some dogs help blind people cross roads and make sure they don't crash. Some dogs help people sniff out other people who are trapped under rubble. Sheep dogs live on farms. They help farmers herd sheep into different paddocks or to get shorn. Sledge dogs help people get through the snow by pulling a sledge.
Police dogs work at the airport and other places and sniff at peoples luggage incase they have something that there they shouldn't have. A lot of people like to have dogs as pets. Dogs eat dog biscuits and if they've been good they might get a bone. I don't like big dogs that much, because I'm small and their almost as big as me.
By Neve

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Maori and Spanish Websites

Check out our new "Useful websites". They include links to fun games for learning some Spanish and Maori.

Searching for Gold

On Friday Harri brought in some very interesting sharing news. It created so much excitement and discussion. Harri brought in a "gold finder", some photos and some real gold in a gold pan. He was very proud to share what he knew and the children loved learning about mining for gold.

Thank you Harri.