Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome to 2011 and Room 4!

What a great start to the year. The children are very keen to learn and have some good listening skills and lots of enthusiasm. We have spent the first week and a half learning about the routines of the class and setting up books and programmes. It's amazing how long it can take to rule up a maths book and learn where the margin is. :) It also takes time to set up routines of spelling programmes, silent reading, handwriting and writing.

This week we start group teacher time for maths and guided reading lessons for reading. I look forward to all the parent help I can get and would also love it if someone could put away my readers once a week in the book room.

Here are some photos from our first week at school.

I look forward to catching up with you all for interviews. This is the first time we have tried goal setting interviews for juniors and so it will be interesting. Please make sure you bring your child into the interview.

1 comment:

  1. What a busy time you are all having and I see that you are all settling into your new classroom quickly.Well done and keep up the good work. Mrs.R.
