Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome to 2012!!!!!!!

Welcome back to school. What a great day we have had. We took time this morning to organise our stationery and get the right books into the right piles - it's amazing how long that can take!!!

After play we had a quick spelling test and then read books from our browsing box. For the next two weeks the children will be bringing home browsing box books. This enables me time to establish routines and expectations for my reading programme. You may notice that the books your child has are at a slightly lower level than their instructional level at the end of last year. This is intentional - browsing boxes are set up to encourage independence and confidence.

Today we have also had a chance to explore the reading and maths shelves and have done some Jump Jam and some co-operative games.

I look forward to a fantastic year working with your children.

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